Let’s increase productivity of WordPress Folks

Submit your Template

Submit your Template with UiChemy Compatibility and Reach Thousands of users

Be part of collection of templates, which are UiChemy ready and which can add value to WordPress user’s conversion journey. Get exposure of thousands if not millions users and let’s change workflow together.

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Exclusive Perks of Submitting Template in UiChemy Library

It will add value in your design as users will be able to convert Figma to multiple Page Builders in single click.

It’s easy to make compatible. There isn’t any fancy things to follow, It’s just Auto Layout and making sure your all Frames are properly organized.

You will have extra quality visitors on your site.

Part of our 50K+ Email Newsletter.

We will share on social media with 10K+ users.

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Get a Chance to Win Our Lifetime Licence & AirPods Pro Every Year

It will add value to your design as users will be able to convert Figma to multiple Page Builders in a single click.

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Make Sure to Submit with Highest Score?

Use below methods and guidelines, to make your design compatible with UiChemy, That’s not rocket science, Just simple few points to follow.

Follow our Case Studies

Submit a Template

Submit Template

Case Studies

Read our detailed the steps necessary to ensure full compatibility with UiChemy, making your Figma to WordPress conversion seamless and straightforward. Through comprehensive case studies, we demonstrate how to achieve 100% template compatibility for UiChemy’s Figma to WordPress transformation.

Your Figma Design To WordPress in Seconds!

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