In Figma, you can easily create multiple layouts in a single file, like creating layouts for different pages of a website. In these types of situations, importing individual files can take a lot of time, so to streamline the process you can easily import multiple layouts in WordPress at once using UiChemy.
To import multiple layouts follow the steps –
- In the UiChemy plugin click on the Select Pages button.
- Then select the pages you want to import at once and click on the Confirm button.
- After that select either the Optimize & Convert or Express Convert option and click the Optimize & Convert or Express Convert button as per your selection.
- Click on the Convert button, on the next screen.
- Now you import the layouts directly using the Live Import option or you can download the JSON files.
Note: If you have lots of layouts in your Figma file it will take some time to load images of the designs in the Page Selected interface.
Live Import
To use the Live Import feature you have to install the UiChemy plugin on your WordPress website and generate a security token.
To import multiple templates directly to your WordPress site follow the steps –
- Click on the Live Import button.
- Then from the Select Site dropdown, add a site or if you’ve added a site already select the appropriate site.
- In the Import Settings section, you’ll find individual dropdown options for each selected layout.
- Open the first dropdown and from the Select Method you can import that particular layout as a new page or template or you can replace or update an existing page or template. Let’s select New here.
- Then from the Export To dropdown, you have to select an appropriate option. Let’s select Page here.
- If you want to apply the same settings to all the remaining layouts click on the Apply to below Fields button and the same settings will be applied to all the layouts. But if you want different settings you can open individual layout dropdowns and do the appropriate settings as per your requirements.
- Then click on the Next button.
- On the next screen, you can import individual layouts or can import all layouts at once by clicking the Import All button.
- Once the layouts are uploaded, you can preview the layouts by clicking the button beside each layout.
Download JSON
You can also download JSON files of individual layouts, to do the follow the steps –
- Click on the Download JSON button.
- On the next screen, you can download individual layout JSON or you can download all layouts JSON in a zip compress folder at once by clicking the Download JSON button.
- To preview the layout you have to upload the JSON file in WordPress.